Week ⑥ Day 1 | Snatch

Today we're taking the 1st pull, 2nd pull and 3rd pull and putting it all together for a full power snatch from the floor. The goal is to stay patient and create one smooth continuous movement.

⚠️ Aim to keep the bar close through the 3rd pull with full extension through the ankle, knees and hip with the shoulder behind the bar. Remember, as we turn the bar over to receive it we're actively "push the bar to the ceiling" to create a solid overhead catch position.

[0:56] Power Snatch
[3:25] Pushing through the Foot

Week ⑥ Day 1 | Snatch Training

Normal size plates for the warm up, can build to 50-60% for the last two movements.

2 sets x Snatch Start Position ▶️ Hold @10sec
POP: Bar over foot pull tight to shin.

1 set x 2 Snatch Break the Floor Drill ▶️ Hold @3sec
POP: Maintain initial start position and back angle, pressure through whole foot as you push through floor.

1 set x 3 Segmented Snatch Deadlift ▶️
Pause 1 sec off ground, pause 1 sec at knee, pause 1 sec mid hang then stand.
POP: Maintain initial start position off floor, at hang shoulders stay over bar, at mid hang torso begins to move back with shoulders over top of the bar.

1 set x 2 Segmented Power Snatch ▶️
Pause 1 sec at the knee, pause 1 sec in the power position.
POP: Maintain initial start position off floor, at hang, shoulder over the bar, mid hang - torso begins to move back shoulders are on top of the bar, passing through power position and finishing the lift.

+ Rest 2 Minutes

5 sets x 1 Slow Pull Power Snatch ▶️ Pull @2-3 sec
Build 50-60%
POP: Slow pull to the knee, no pause and accelerate through the power position, elbows locked on receiving Snatch.

Perform 1 set every minute
12-15 sets x 1 Power Snatch ▶️
POP: Set up: back and hips rise together, bar passes through hang and power position and elbows locked out in receiving position.

WODprep Weightlifting | © WODprep 2022

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