Modifying Movements
If it's one question we often hear when it comes to programming is "I can't do X, so what can I do instead?".
Scaling Pyramids will help athletes quickly assess a majority of programmed movements and find an appropriate substitution.
Each Scaling Pyramid is broken down into 5 levels, starting with most difficult (highest skill) and giving you the step down option of what to do If you can't do the skill given. Choose the highest option you can accomplish with the intended stimulus and quality technique.
▸ Row | Run | Ski | Assault Bike | Bike Erg
▸ Double Unders
▸ Chest to Bar Pull-ups
▸ Toes to Bar
▸ Ring Dip
▸ Ring / Bar Muscle Ups
▸ Strict Handstand Push-ups
▸ Kipping Handstand Push-ups
▸ Handstand Walk
Weightlifting Scaling Pyramids
▸ Cleans
▸ Jerks
▸ Snatch
▸ Overhead Squats