Lesson 4: Drills for Success

Here are some of my favourite drills to help you overcome common bar muscle up faults and help you develop a solid BMU.

Drill #1 • Jumping Muscle Up
Performed from a box, go through exact movements of a BMU using your legs to create the power you need to get up and over the bar so you can focus on getting your hands and body over the bar as you come through the transition. Modify the drill by changing the height of the box to make it easier or more difficult.

Drill #2 • Clapping Kips
During the kip when levering back, take hands off bar and clap at the point of 'weightless-ness', then catch the again and lower yourself to the floor. The will help teach you the timing of the BMU.

Drill #3 • Banded BMU
Start with a heavy band to practice your BMU. As you improve, work towards to a lighter band until you can do several in a row.

Drill #4 • Jump-in Technique
Place two boxes under the bar with a gap in between for you body. Jump into your hollow body position, and kip into your BMU. This jump in helps create the extra momentum needed to get you up and over the bar.

**Careful you don't jump in too aggressively or you'll have too much momentum and it will be very difficult to properly time the hip pop.

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