Lesson 3: Avoid These Common Mistakes

Here are 7 of the most common errors that could be holding you back from a getting your first bar muscle up or doing one well. We cover these and other in more detail inside our Bar Muscle Up Mastery program.

1. A Sloppy Kip can indicate lack of proper tension, and therefore doesn't generate enough power from the kip to get you up and over the bar.

2. A Tarzan Swing can mean you're lacking control and timing with the kip.

3. An Early Arm Pull happens is what happens when you try to pull straight to the bar (similar to a chest to bar pull-up) instead of levering back with arms straight.

4. No Hip Pop means there is a BIG kip but lacking an explosive hip pop to help get your hips up to the bar.

5. A Slow Transition means everything looks right but you can't settle into the dip. Usually you'll need to speed up how quickly you snap your hands and upper body over the bar.

6. The Death Grip will limit how well your hands can slide around the bar. Focus on grabbing the pull-up bar more loosely so you can get everything over.

7. The infamous Chicken Wing is a very common fault. It's an inefficient movement where one shoulder and hand comes over the bar before the other.

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