Bench Press Fault Fixer

Here are the top 3 fault fixers categories for the Bench Press:

  1. Foot Position Fault
    Ensure the feet are flat on the floor, connected firmly, and positioned under the knees to maintain optimal leg drive.
  2. Bar Contact on the body Fault
    With the bench press teaching in mind, we want to make sure we are not too low (into the belly) OR to high (into the neck) when we lower the bar to our sternum.
  3. Bar Path Fault
    Guide the bar in a J-like trajectory, starting over the shoulders and moving toward the sternum or top of the rib cage at the bottom position. From a side profile the bar will look like it is coming lower on your body from the start position (that is good). We do not want it to come straight down into your neck. As you press it back up it will shift over your shoulders and be directly above your shoulders at lockout.

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