Step 6: How To Achieve MASTERY

One of the last things when it comes to mastering double unders is consistency. A great test is to pick up any jump rope, no matter what size and see if you can crank out 50 UB. If not, there is still work to be done!

Use the drills and recommendations in this guide to help you develop your double unders. Progress may come slow but again, practicing consistently (we recommend 3x a week) while not overdoing it will help you succeed.

Of course, if you need help we're here for you! Join our flag ship DU course, Double Unders Unleashed and get everything you need to PR your DU's in just 15-20 minutes sessions 3 times a week.

We GUARANTEE it will help you hit unbroken double unders or you can have every penny back! That's the WODprep PR promise.

Get WODprep's full 8-week Double Under Program
Double Unders Unleashed
Guaranteed to help PR your DU's or you can get every penny back!
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