Step 4: Finding the PERFECT Jump Rope

Another huge factor when it comes to learning double unders a having the right equipment.

Rather than just grabbing a random rope provided by your gym, it's recommended that you have your own jump rope so can learn and practice with the same rope. When learning double unders, consistency is key!

Rope size and weight should change depending on your skill. As a general rule, beginners do better with slightly longer, heavier jump ropes that slow down double unders while DU pros shine with shorter, lighter ropes that speed them up.

Looking for the best jump rope to learn with?
Check out the WODprep Jump Rope set from Crossrope.

The handles feature an interchangeable rope system that allows you to switch training cables on the fly from a 2.5 oz cable (which is slightly heavier than a standard speed rope) to a 5oz heavy rope that will help almost anyone feel tension on the rope.

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Double Unders Unleashed
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