STEP 2: A Champion's Mindset
Like most movements, learning strict before kipping will keep you healthy, make sure you're strong enough and ready for the complexity of kipping.
Unlike other movements, the handstand push-up is unique because you're supporting your entire body weight in your shoulders and lowering yourself onto the crown of your head.
If you're not strong enough to lower yourself safely that could put a lot of pressure on your neck. For that reason, it is extremely important to be able to perform a strict handstand push-up before a kipping one.
To help you become stronger, when scaling HSPU workouts, make sure you're scaling reps and not the range of motion.
That means it is better to do fewer reps with a larger ROM than many reps with a smaller ROM. With this mindset, you'll be developing your handstand push-up strength and technique even in workouts.
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