FC 2.1 (Week 2, Workout 1)

Athlete's as we enter week 2 of this program we will start to increase the difficulty 1 of 2 ways. Either through more volume or through increased progression difficulties. So you may see some days that look very similar but that is due to increasing the volume, whether that be an extra set or more reps.

The aim of week 2 is to increase the difficulty of some of the basic movements we saw in week 1.

In this day specifically, we are increasing the strength of our lateral lines, think the sides of the body, because increasing the strength through lateral work wiil help give our body the capability of producing more power in the frontal and posterior lines.

Think, creating more capacity to increase strength and power in squats, deadlifts, OH Presses, kipping, etc. With increased strength in your lateral lines the CNS will know that it is more capable of protecting itself in more demanding positions.

3 Rounds, not for time:
10 x Straight Leg Raises on Roller - Progression #2 (5 each side) ▶️ 🎥
15s x Plank on Elbows ▶️ 🎥 (Immediately into)
↳ 15s x Push Up Plank ▶️ 🎥
20 x Bird Dogs with Foam Roller (10 each side) ▶️ 🎥
10 x Elbow Side Plank with Leg Raises (each side) ▶️

You should notice the Straight Leg Raises are becoming more challenging.

We've introduced the Push-up Plank after finding good core control in a basic plank, and we've added a leg raise to the side plank.

2 Rounds, not for time:
7 x Single Arm KB Pulls - (each side) ▶️ 🎥
50m x Suit Case Carry (or till grip fatigues) ▶️

We are incorporating Single Arm KB Pulls to help balance out all the barbell pulling we do in our everyday programming.

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Functional Core 2.1

Functional Core | © WODprep 2023

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