SROM | Day 7
Equipment needed:
▸ 36" Foam Roller
▸ TheraBand
The Routine:
① Thoracic Bridges | 1:00min
② Seated Twist | 30 sec x each side
③ Modified Child's Pose with Walking Hands | 1:00 min (10 sec each side)
④ Banded Pec Stretch | 45sec x each side
⑤ Extension Plank | 4sets x 20 sec on | 20 off
Bonus Programming: JOINT CAPSULE SUPPORT "A" • Video link ▶️
Equipment needed:
▸ 1 x Resistance Band
The Routine:
① Shoulder Internal Rotation Banded distraction | (accumulate) 1:00 min x each side
Set band a little higher than head height
② Horizontal Adduction Banded Distraction | (accumulate) 1:00 min x each side
Set band around chest height
ShoulderROM Unlocked | © WODprep 2023