SPUS 3.1 (Week 3, Workout 1)

Today we are introducing some eccentric work (the lowering portion of the pull-up). Try to avoid using a bar that is too low as this will lead to us having to “tuck” our feet up. Use a bar that is high enough so that your feet don’t touch while hanging so we can get a full range of motion. It is recommended to use a sturdy box to jump from - benches can be a bit sketchy!

WOD 3.1

5 sets:
10x Banded Face Pull @1111 ▶️ 🎥
10x Banded Straight Arm Lat Pulldown @1111 ▶️


10 min EMOM:
EVEN: 2-3 x Supinated Pull-up Negative @51A1 ▶️ 🎥
A= Assisted i.e. jump to pull-up bar
ODD: 30sec x Hollow Body Hold ▶️

Notes: Control yourself all the way to the end range of your pull-up (the passive hang). Please avoid dropping into the bottom out of control. This can be a compounding issue for your elbows and shoulders. Injury is very counter productive to making improvements!

Scaling the negative: If the pull-up negative is unachievable for you right now, use a box that's high enough to put you into a pull-up position and then as you come down you can use your legs (usually from your toes) to help control your descent. Make sure it's tough - we're working towards being able to use less legs and eventually no box.


We'd love to see your negative pull-ups and give you some feedback!
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Strict Pull-up Strength | © WODprep 2024

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