DUU 1.2 (Week 1, Workout 2)

Q: I only have ONE rope. What do I do when the program calls for HEAVY and MEDIUM ropes?

Either get yourself a WODprep Jumprope Set or ignore the weighted rope recommendations and use the rope you have for all the drills and testing. Though we recommend weighted cables to improve skill development, it is not mandatory and you can do this this entire course with just a single jumprope.

1. Skill Development

Use your MEDIUM cable weight through section 1.

A. 30 Reps “Big Singles▶️ Rest / partition as needed

  • Focus on jumping with feet together and HIGHER than a normal single under. Keep a slow, controlled, and steady pace. We are working on Jump Control in this drill.

B. 30 Reps “Speed Singles▶️ Rest / partition as needed

  • These are done for speed. Your jump can be as short and quick as you want, just try to accumulate reps as fast as you possibly can. It’s OK to mess up! We are working on Rope Speed in this drill.

C. 30 Reps “Penguin Claps▶️ Rest / partition as needed

  • Focus on keeping your feet glued together and maintaining the same jump height the entire time. Imagine you are a big pogo stick. Clap your hands to your side while you are in the air, hands should be away from your body when you land (see video)

2. WOD

Every 2 minutes for 10 minutes (5 sets):
5 rounds

Set 1: MEDIUM rope
Set 2: MEDIUM rope
Set 3: HEAVY rope
Set 4: HEAVY rope
Set 5: MEDIUM rope

5x Speed Singles
5x Big Singles
5x Penguin Claps
20s x Double Under Attempts

3. Cool Down

Take time to barbell smash OR Voodoo floss your calves OR Lacrosse ball smash your feet (2 mins each side)

4. Coaching

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Include in your title: Double Unders Unleashed 1.2

Double Unders Unleashed | © WODprep 2022

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